Sunday, April 6, 2014

What you may call "Soul Searching"

Transcendental Revival is Essential to my Survival

In the endless sea of seas
Across the path of manipulative thieves
And false profits - preachers do seize
The honest mans' only payment for deeds
There does exist a potential to perceive
The chaotic truth and the peace in need

In nothing more than the clothes on your back
The fire in your eyes, motivation irrelevant but intact
Transcend the enemy's means of soulless life hacks
In nothing more than powerful literate attacks
I follow independently in a familiar track

A similar fashion I seek to revive - which I once wore so well
That tier of excellence you've achieved and from I once fell

Chaos to Peace: I am Human.

Like perfection, the concept of complete happiness no longer feels practical or even relevant. I no longer possess the energy to waste a single moment of my time mulling over unrealistic notions that leave me feeling... less than human. 

But I am human. Sometimes that frustrates me just the same. I will make mistakes, I will have failures, and I will always be changing - developing, evolving.

All of the "in between" I've wasted so many days fighting to be at peace with happens to be the very conflict that creates chaos, the opposite of that which I attempt to accomplish within myself. 

So happiness - I'm no longer concerned with. Above all desires I have: knowledge, intellect, self awareness, and self sustainability - peace within myself has taken top priority. 

The moment I gave up on the idea of  "happiness", and began to find peace was the moment my entire perspective changed. And the moment I change, the world around me suddenly made more sense, and once again I feel human.

I am human.
And so are all of you.